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How do I import a Chamaileon template to my ESP (Email Service Provider)?
How do I import a Chamaileon template to my ESP (Email Service Provider)?

Learn how import Chamaileon template to Email Service Provider (import HTML code & download as zip options)

Gergely Nagy avatar
Written by Gergely Nagy
Updated over a week ago

This article is a guide on how to import Chamaileon templates to your Email Service Provider. Below, you will find all the steps, complete with screenshots and video tutorials.

List of Email Service Providers that you will find in this article (click to navigate):


65. Vero

If your ESP is not listed here, or simply you don't have one, please check our other articles on how to import a template without ESP to Gmail and Outlook and contact us via chat or send an email to so we can help you in what to do if you don't have an ESP. If you are not using Chamaileon yet, you can register here.

Setting up the integration in general

  1. Navigate to Integrations: Log in to your Chamaileon account, go to "Workspace Settings," and select the "Integrations" tab.

  2. Select Your Platform: Choose the platform you want to integrate with (e.g., MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, Klaviyo).

  3. Obtain Credentials: If required, login to the chosen platform and obtain the necessary credentials (API key, URL, etc.). Most integrations work with API keys, some with oAuth.

  4. Create a New Variation: In Chamaileon, create a new "Variation" for the integration, especially if syncing multiple accounts.

  5. Authorize the Integration: Enter the required credentials (API key, OAuth authentication) to connect Chamaileon with the platform.

  6. Test the Integration: Sync a sample email template to ensure the integration is working correctly.

A short video demonstrating an OAuth integration with MailChimp.

Sync email design and templates with your ESP/CRM/MAP

Click on the Sync menu point to synchronize the email design as a campaign, template or other asset with your Email service provider.

1. Active Campaign

Click Create New campaign. Choose the type of your campaign, and set up your list like you usually do.

Then click ‘’Build from scratch’’.

Choose Custom HTML and enter your Sender details.

Paste the code here.

2. Act-on

For a new template, create the HTML and plain text versions in Chamalilon and then upload them to your Act-On account.

If you designed your entire message outside of Act-On, you can simply upload it as part of the 'new message' process:

Click Outbound > New Message, then Upload Email Code.

Click Upload to locate the HTML, text, or zip file that contains your message.

A .HTM or .HTML file would contain the HTML version of the message; a .TXT file would contain the text version; a .ZIP file would contain just the HTML version or both text and HTML, along with any images used in the HTML version.

When you click Upload Code, make any desired changes to your text, and click Done.

There is also an option to test any links you may have and to insert some common personalization variables.

You can now preview the message in the message wizard. If changes need to be made, simply click on the block containing your text and edit it.

3. Autopilot

Click to ''Send Email'' in Autopilot.

Then ''Create Email''

Next, click ''Upload HTML''.

Select the file you downloaded as ZIP from Chamaileon.

4. Adobe Campaign

These templates can then be made available to standard users to carry out and upload files.

You can import your template in Adobe Campaign under Resources > Templates > Import templates menu.

Three default read-only templates are available:

  • Update Direct mail quarantines and delivery logs

  • Import data

  • Import list

These default templates are read-only and are not visible to standard users. To create a template that will be available to users, follow these steps:

  1. Duplicate a default template. The duplicated template contains three tabs:Properties : the import template's general parameters. This tab allows you to enable the template and to upload a sample file.

  2. From the Properties tab, rename the template and add a description. Users will be able to view the description when the template is available.

  3. Go to the Workflow tab. From here you can enrich the workflow offered by default by adding new activities according to your needs.

  4. Save your template so that the workflow's configuration is correctly taken into account.

  5. Upload a sample file from the Properties tab.

  6. Save your template.

  7. Go back to the Workflow tab and open the Load file activity to check and adjust the column configuration of the sample file that was uploaded at the previous step.

  8. Test the import by starting the workflow.

  9. Go to the workflow execution log, available in the action bar. If you encounter an error, check that the activities are configured correctly.

  10. In the Properties tab, set the Import template status to Available, then save the template. To stop using this template, you can set the Import template status to Archived .

5. Acymailing

At ''Components'', click ''Templates.

Then click ''Import''

Then import the file you downloaded from Chamaileon. Use download as the ZIP option in Chamaileon.

6. Automizy

Click ''Send Campaign'' in Automizy.

Then choose ''HTML email.''

Paste the HTML code you exported from Chamaileon here.

7. Aweber

Go to your Aweber account and when creating a new message, you can see the ''HTML editor'' option below in the dropdown.

Copy the HTML code from Chamaileon.

Click Source in Adweber.

Paste HTML code to AWeber.

Click Save.

Next, you should click Preview and & Test it.

8. Bronto

Here is how you can upload a custom email template in Bronto:

  1. Directly synching your email template from Chamaileon (recommended)

  2. Manually copy-pasting the code

Firstly, you need to create a Bronto integration in Chamaileon.

Here is how you can do that:

  1. In your Bronto account, go to Settings => Platform Settings => Data Exchange => Soap API Access Token. Click on Add Access Token, name the Token, enable all permissions, then save. Finally, you can copy your API token from the black box.

  2. In the ''Integrations'' tab in Chamaileon, choose ''Bronto'', name your integration and paste the API token you copied from Bronto.

3. Next, go back to your emails and when you hover over the email that you want to sync, click ''Sync to''. Choose the integration (under the name you have saved it under your ''Integrations'' tab, add a subject/preview line, and choose the email list you want to send it to. Click ''Sync now'' when you are ready. Your email will appear in Bronto in the ''Messages Dashboard''.

Manually copy-pasting the code

Please note that you should always use the Sync option first, but if you still decide to manually copy-paste the code, here is how you can do it:

Go to Messages > Email Template and then Click Upload Template.

  1. Add a name for the email template in the Template Name text box.

  2. Optional: Click the Remove DOCTYPE checkbox to keep the DOCTYPE.

  3. The Remove DOCTYPE option is checked by default to help prevent cross email client formatting issues. When emails are sent via the application, they default to using the following DOCTYPE: 

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

  1. You can choose to keep the DOCTYPE intact, just be mindful that it may affect the formatting of your email.

  2. In the Template HTML section, click Choose File to upload the HTML file that will be used for the custom email template.

  3. Optional: Click Choose File in the Thumbnail Image section to upload a thumbnail image that will appear next to your custom email template on the Email Templates page.

  4. Images uploaded as thumbnail images are added to the file management area of the application. You can edit, delete, or change the thumbnail image used for a template at any time.

  5. Optional: Click Choose File in the Content File(s) section to upload images or any other external resource to be used in the custom email template.

  6. You can upload multiple items. You can remove an item from the list of items to upload by clicking the red X next to the items selected for upload.

9. Blackbaud

There is a tutorial video with detailed steps on how to import HTML code to Blackbaud that you can check here.

10. Braze

Under ''Integrations'' click ''Braze''.

Next, you have to get the API key from your Braze account.

It is under ''Account Settings'' then ''API Settings''.

When you have done that, click ''Save''.

Now, go back to your email dashboard and hover over the email which you want to sync.

Choose Braze integration from the list.

Add a subject line, preview text, and name your template. Then click ''Sync now''.

When you go to your Braze account, choose ''Templates & Media''. There you will find the email that you synced.

Now you can send it out to your list.

11. Campaign Monitor

There are two ways on how you can import your templates to Campaign Monitor:

  • Integrate and sync your emails with Campaign Monitor (recommended)

  • Manually copy-paste HTML 

Integrate and sync your emails with Campaign Monitor (recommended)

You need to have a paid account to use this ''advanced integration''.

First, you need to integrate Chamaileon with Campaign Monitor.

To do this, you need to go to your workspace settings in Chamaileon and under ''Integrations'' click ''Campaign Monitor''.

When you have done that, name your integration and click ''Auth with Campaign Monitor''.

Next, you have to connect with your Campaign Monitor account and click ''Continue''.

Then click ''Allow access''.

And you will see your Campaign Monitor integration under the ''Saved integrations'' section.

When you go back to your email dashboard in Chamaileon, find the email that you want to sync, and when hovering over the email that you want to sync, click ''Sync to''.

Choose your Campaign Monitor integration from the list, add a subject line, the preview text, and click ''Sync Now''.

Manually copy-paste HTML

Click ‘’Create new campaign’’. When you are at ‘’Choose a starting point’’, you will see in the left bottom corner the option to ‘’Import HTML’’.

In Chamaileon you can first Download as ZIP and then extract the file. When you try to import it will be written that images are missing. Just scroll down and you will see edit HTML. 

Now you can Generate HTML code and paste it there.

Just delete this code and enter the Generated HTML code. Don’t forget to insert the Campaign Monitor unsubscribe tag to your Chamaileon template before exporting. The tag is: [unsubscribe]

12. Constant Contact

There are two ways on how you can import your templates to Constant Contact:

  • Integrate and sync your emails with Constant Contact (recommended)

  • Manually copy-paste HTML 

Integrate and sync your emails with Constant Contact (recommended)

To use this ''advanced integration'', you need to have a paid account.

First, you need to integrate Chamaileon with Constant Contact.

To do this, you need to go to your workspace settings in Chamaileon and under ''Integrations'' click ''Constant Contact''.

When you have done that, name your integration and click ''Auth with Constant Contact''.

Next, you have to connect with your Constant Contact account and click ''Continue''.

And you will see your Constant Contact integration under ''Saved integrations'' section.

When you go back to your email dashboard in Chamaileon, find the email that you want to sync, and when hovering over the email that you want to sync, click ''Sync to''.

Choose your Constant Contact integration from the list, add a subject line, the preview text, and click ''Sync Now''.

Manually copy-paste HTML 

When you are creating a campaign, you have to click ‘’Advanced Editor’’ on the left.

You will need to fill in your company information there. After that is done, you can paste the Generated HTML code to your editor. You will receive a message that your HTML contains more than one HTML tag and that you should remove the extra tag before continuing. You can do so by deleting the whole row containing:  ‘’if gte IE 7’’ in the brackets.

13. ConvertKit

Open Convertkit and click ''Account Settings''.

Click ''Email Templates''.

Next click ''New Email Template''.

Paste the HTML code you exported from Chamaileon here and then click ''Save'' on the bottom.

14. Cvent

Here are steps on how to import your HTML template from Chamaileon to Cvent.

In the dashboard find the ''Emails'' tab and click ''Create a new blank email''.

At the bottom, you will see an ''HTML'' icon which you need to click.

Now go to Chamaileon, copy the HTML code, and paste it here.

Click ''Design'' to see your template.

Then click ''Next''.

When everything is all right with your email, click ''Save and Finish''

15. Drip

When you are creating new emails or templates, you need to choose the option ''Text/HTML builder'' then ''Switch to Custom HTML'' and then paste the code.

NOTE: Drip uses a template called ''Simple'' you can see it at the bottom of the ''Preview tab'' and it is overriding the styles (text and spacing will be different). To prevent this, you need to create a new template with no default style. You can ask Drip support to help you with that.

16. Dreamweaver

Open Dreamweaver and click ''Create New''.

Next click ''Starter Templates'' and then ''Email Templates''. You can choose any of the templates here but I choose ''Email - Basic''.

Delete the existing HTML code.

Copy the HTML code you exported previously from Chamaileon.

Paste it to Dreamweaver.

Your HTML template will appear a few seconds later. Then you can send it out.

17. DealerSocket

When creating ''New Email Template'', click ''HTML'' at the bottom.

Paste the code that you exported from Chamaileon.

Then click ''Save''.

18. Dotmailer

Choose the ''Download as ZIP'' option in Chamaileon when exporting your template.

Click create ''New email campaign''.

Then select ''My templates'' option and then ''Upload campaign''.

Drag and drop your template that you downloaded as ZIP from Chamaileon and click ''Upload''.

Add campaign details such as subject line and click ''Save and continue''.

Now the template will appear and you have to click ''Save and continue'' again.

Don't forget to all your unsubscribe tag to your template. If you need help on how to do that, please contact us via chat.

19. Emarsys

Open Channels menu and select Email Campaigns. Click Create custom HTML email.

Set the general Email campaign settings.

Set up Sender information and scroll down to HTML version where you can paste the generated HTML code from Chamaileon.

20. Easymail7

Here is how you can import your template to Easymail7:

  • Open G-Lock EasyMail7 and click on "Template" under the “Messages” tab.

  • Click on the "File" menu on the "Edit Template" window.

  • Select "Import Template" if the template is in the .zip file.

For the correct import of the template, the zip file must contain the template file in the .html format. The name of the .zip and .html file must be the same. Example: if your .zip file is called, the .html file inside it must be called Winter.html.

Or, select "Import from EML file" if the template is in the .eml file.

  • Select the file on the disk and click "Open".

  • Type the template name.

  • Choose the template folder or type the new folder name to create the new folder. If you do not choose the folder, the template will be saved to the root Templates folder.

  • Upload the images used in the template to your web server (highly recommended if you want the template to look well in all email clients).

  • Click "Save" to save the template to the folder of your choice.

21. Egoi

Click ''Create Email''.

Then click ''Email''.

Choose the type of campaign that you want to send.

Choose Import.

Choose ZIP file option to import.

22. Freshmail

Click ''Campaigns'' in your Freshmail dashboard.

Then ''Create a new campaign''.

Click ''New message'' and choose ''Upload from your computer''.

Import the ZIP zile you downloaded from Chamaileon here.

23. Freshsales

First, you need to go to your Freshsales account and you will see ''Email templates'' in the menu on the right.

Click ''Create template'' on the top right hand corner.

Click on the ''HTML'' icon.

And now you have to paste the HTML code here which you previously exported from Chamaileon. When you have done that, click ''Save''.

24. GetResponse

Click ''Create'' and then ''Create Newsletter''.

Choose HTML Source Editor.

Add your newsletter settings and click ''Next step''.

Paste the HTML code that you previously generated from Chamaileon here and click ''Next step''.

You can also click Show WYSIWYG to check how your imported template looks like.

25. Groupmail

In your Groupmail click on ''Messages'' and then ''Create a new message''.

Click on ''View'' and then ''View Rich Text (HTML) Source''.

Delete the code that is here.

Paste the code that you copied from Chamaileon.

Your template will appear in the message like this,

26. Hubspot

To create a new HTML & HUBL file in Hubspot, go to Marketing > Files and Templates > Design Tools.

Create a new file by clicking File > New file. You may need to click the folder icon folder to expand the finder.

In the dialog box, click HTML & HUBL.

  • Enter the details of your new file:

  • Select Template or Template Partial. 

  • Select the type of template you're coding (page, blog, or email).

  • Give your file a name.

  • Click Create.

Next, write the HTML for your page or email template. The HubSpot code editor auto-indents highlights your HTML syntax and closes your tags for you. Any errors in your code will be flagged in an error message when you try to publish changes. The error console at the bottom of the code editor will display the error or warning details, as well as suggestions on how you can fix these errors and warnings.

For additional resources on custom design, you can refer to HubSpot designer documentation. There is additional documentation on coded module options such as filter tags and icons.

When you're done, click Publish changes to publish the template or HTML file.

Add the required HubL tags.

Once you have your structural HTML written, you'll see an error message if your code is missing any required HubL tags if you were to try to publish your file. HubL tags connect your code to HubSpot's settings and content editor. The unsubscribe tag for Hubspot is: {{unsubscribe_section}} which you need to include in your template in Chamaileon before generating the HTML code.

For email templates, include the required email and CAN-SPAM tokens. Check out the HubL documentation to learn more about CAN-SPAM tokens.

27. Intercom

When you are creating a new message, choose the email option.

Click ‘’Import HTML’’ as you can see here.

Since there will be a part of the code there, you should delete it and paste the Generated HTML code from Chamaileon.

28. Inbox25

There are two methods for importing the content to Inbox25. The first is by importing your campaign from the Internet and the second is by importing the campaign from your PC.

To import the campaign content from your PC or network requires an HTML or HTML file.

You need to copy the generated HTML code from Chamaileon, paste it to a text document and save as HTML.

Select your content-type for your message on Step 2.1 of our Campaign Wizard.  

Select to import your template as a saved file on your computer. 

Then select the method to create or import your message ''Upload your file'' option.

If you're uploading a.HTML or .HTM file from your own computer, you'll need to make sure that your images are all referenced from an absolute URL. 

29. IBM Silverpop

Go to your IBM Silverpop account.

Click Start from a blank template. 

There you will find the Import HTML option. Click on it and paste the generated HTML code from Chamaileon.

30. Ionos

For Web Hosting customers with a IONOS email address:

Step 1

Log in to IONOS WebMail.

Step 2

Click the menu icon (System Menu) and then click Edit Settings.

Step 3

Click on Email and check to Allow HTML formatted messages. The settings are saved automatically.

31. Iterable

There are two options on how to do this:

  • Integrate and sync your templates (recommended)

  • Copy and paste HTML (not recommended)

Integrate and sync your templates (recommended)

First, under your workspace settings, click the ''Integration tab''.

Choose ''Iterable'' integration.

Under ''Integrations'' click API keys and then ''Create a new API key''.

Choose ''Standard'' and then click ''Create''.

Copy the API key you just created.

Paste it to Chamaileon and name your integration.

When you go back to your email dashboard, when hovering over the email you want to sync, choose ''Sync to''.

Choose your Iterable integration from the list, and add a subject line, preview text, and name of your template in Iterable.

Remember that your email template must contain Unsubscribe link. You can add it in the email with the {{unsubscribeUrl}}, {{hostedUnsubscribeUrl}}, {{unsubscribeMessageTypeUrl}}".

You can add it as a merge tag.

You will find your template under ''Templates'' in Iterable in the ''Content'' tab.

Copy and paste HTML (not recommended)

In Iterable, under ''Templates'' click ''Create a new template'' and then ''Upload an existing HTML template''.

You can update or paste your HTML of the template under ''Source''.

You can see more in this article.

32. iContact

First, you need to integrate Chamaileon with iContact.

To do this, you need to go to your workspace settings in Chamaileon and under ''Integrations'' click ''iContact''.

Go to your iContact account and in the upper right hand-corner choose ''Settings and Billing''.

Next, choose ''iContact integrations''.

Under ''Custom API integrations'', click ''Create''.

Next, copy Application ID, username, Password, and Account ID from the fields below and paste it to Chamaileon under your iContact integration.

Now you can save your integration.

When you go back to your email dashboard in Chamaileon, find the email that you want to sync, and when hovering over the email that you want to sync, click ''Sync to''.

Choose your iContact integration from the list, add a subject line, preview text, campaign, and message type. Then you can click ''Sync Now''.

When you go back to iContact, under the tab ''Email'', you will find the email that you synced.

And your email is ready to be sent out!

33. Klaviyo

You can choose to create a campaign and import the generated HTML code there, or you import your Chamaileon template in the Email templates in Klaviyo so you can reuse them.

There you will find the ‘’Import option’’

Don’t forget to add your Klavivo unsubscribe tag in your Chamaileon template first.

When you click on the Import option, you will see a link that says ‘’Paste HTML instead’’. Click that.

When you paste the HTML code that you got from Chamaileon, click Import.

Now you can use your Chamaileon email as a template.

34. Mailchimp

To import Chamaileon templates to Mailchimp, you can:

1. Use the ''Sync to'' option (recommended)

It will automatically import your template from Chamaileon to Mailchimp. We definitely recommend using the ''Sync option''.

Firstly, you will need to integrate your Mailchimp account with Chamaileon.

Find Mailchimp by clicking the ''More'' button.

Choose Mailchimp.

Here you will need to name your Mailchimp integration.

And then Log in to Mailchimp.

Then, type in your Mailchimp username and password and click ''Log in''.

Once you have done that, add the list where you want your template to appear

in Mailchimp.

Then go back to the previous setting.

Add email subject line and preview text.

Here you can also set up ''advanced settings'' such as:

  • email language,

  • Gmail promotion card,

  • Outlook-friendly background images,

  • fully-clickable buttons,

  • improved accessibility,

  • and encode URL-s.

When you have set up all of those (or you do not need to) then you can go ahead, and click the ''Sync'' button.

Next, go to your email service provider where you have synced your email, and your email template will appear there.

And it's ready to be sent out!

Note when using Mailchimp integration:

Never edit the code in Mailchimp, because your editor will mess up the code and will double or even triple the size causing issues in Gmail. If you want to edit a design you should do it in Chamaileon by duplicating the email, editing it and then using ''Sync option''.

Please note that sometimes the preview of the email in Mailchimp might not look as expected so use test email in Mailchimp to review the email that you pasted from Chamaileon.

Go back to Mailchimp, send a test email from there, and send it out.

35. Mailgun

To use this ''advanced integration'', you need to have a paid account.

First, you need to integrate Chamaileon with Mailgun.

To do this, you need to go to your workspace settings in Chamaileon and under ''Integrations'' click ''Mailgun''.

Name your Mailgun integration and add an API key. To get the API key you have to go to your Mailgun account and grab the API.

When you are in your Mailgun account, under ''Settings'', go to ''API Keys''.

View the key and copy it.

Paste it to Chamaileon and click ''Save''.

When you go back to your email dashboard in Chamaileon, find the email that you want to sync, and when hovering over the email that you want to sync, click ''Sync''.

Choose your Mailgun integration from the list, add a subject line, preview text, choose the domain, name it, and click ''Sync Now''.

In Mailgun, go to ''Sending'', then ''Templates'' and there you will see the template that you synced.

36. Mademarket

In your Mademarket account, in the ''Activity field'' create a ''deal''.

When you create your first deal, save it.

Under ''Distribution'' create a ''New distribution''.

Under ''Format'' click ''code'' and copy your HTML code you exported from Chamaileon.

37. MiniCRM

There are two ways of importing your template to MiniCRM:

  1. Sync your email from Chamaileon to MiniCRM directly (recommended)

  2. Manually copy-paste the code into MiniCRM

Go to your workspace menu and select ''Integrations''. Choose MiniCRM.

Connect to your MiniCRM account using an API key. Generate a key in MiniCRM at System settings and paste it below.

To create API key, go to the Settings > System page and click on the Create new API key button. If you have already created a key, here you can generate a new one later or delete the existing one.

Make sure to generate it under ''Chamaileon API key''.

Copy the generated API key.

Go back to Chamaileon and paste it.

When you go back to your email which you want to sync to MiniCRM, hover over the email card and click ''Sync to''.

Choose the MiniCRM integration, subject line, preview text, and the folder where you want your email template to appear to.

When you've done that, click ''Sync now''.

You can go to MiniCRM now and your email will appear in the folder which you chose.

Manually copy-paste the code

If you do not want to use the Sync option, you can manually copy-paste the code, although we do not recommend it.

Here is how you can do that:

When you are in the email editor in MiniCRM, select the ''code'' symbol and paste the code you previously copied from Chamaileon.

38. Mailup

Log in to your Mailup account. 

Choose ''Messages'' and then ''Email''.

Click ''Let's begin'' to create your email.

Choose the option to import files.

Go to Chamaileon and when exporting the email choose ''Download as ZIP''. Extract the ZIP file and upload the HTML file to Mailup.

Click ''Modify message''.

There is also an option to edit the HTML where you can paste the HTML manually from Chamaileon.

And here is your template:

39. Marketo

There are two ways on how you can import template to Marketo:

  • Sync your template to Marketo (recommended)

  • Manually paste the code

Sync your template to Marketo (recommended)

First, go to your workspace settings in Chamaileon and click 'Integrations''. 

Find Marketo integration and name it.

To get the Client ID, Client Secret, Endpoint URL, and Identity URL, you have to log in to your Marketo account.

Follow this tutorial for more details:

Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1. Create a Role in Marketo

Create a role for the integration: specific what kind of conditions Chamaileon will have in Marketo.
Go to ''Admin'' in Marketo.

Under ''Users & Roles'' click ''Roles''.

Then click ''New Role''.

Choose permission: Read/Write Assets

Step 2. Create a User

Create a user in Marketo workspace and assign a role for it created in step 1 (with the Read/Write Assets permissions).

Click ''Users'' in the ''Users & Roles'' tab and then ''Invite New User''.

Add email, first name, last name and click next.

Step 3. Create a Custom Service

This will serve as the “link” between Marketo & Chamaileon.
Under integration click ''LaunchPoint'' and then ''New''.

You can name it for example ''Chamaileon integration''.

Step 4. Copy the “Client ID” and “Client Secret” Information

Under “View details” in Custom Service, find and copy your Client ID and Client Secret to Chamaileon.

Here is where you paste it in Chamaileon.

Step 5. Copy the “Endpoint” and “Identity” Information

Under “Rest API” in Custom Service, find and copy your Endpoint and Identity.

Step 6. Paste Your Information In Chamaileon

Under “Integrations” in your Chamaileon workspace, choose Marketo and paste your:

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • Endpoint

  • Identity

Step 7. Sync HTML Emails To Marketo in one click!

When you finish your email template design, simply click on “Sync” and choose your Marketo integration. 

Now you can go to Marketo and your email template will be there in the ''Design studio'' under ''Email templates''.

Manually paste the code

Here is a Youtube video that shows how to import an HTML template to Marketo.

40. Mailerlite

Click on Create Campaign.

Choose Custom HTML editor. You can use it only in the Paid Mailerlite plan.

Then paste the HTML code that you previously generated from Chamaileon.

41. Mailwizz

In Mailwizz, when creating an email template, there should be a ''Source'' button. Click it and insert the HTML code you exported from Chamaileon there.

42. MpzMail

Go to your MpzMail and then choose the ''Templates'' tab.

Select ''From code'' option.

Paste the code you previously copied from Chamaileon here.

And then your template will appear here.

43. Moosend

To import your template to Moosend, you need to download your template as ZIP file from Chamaileon. When you have done done, go to Moosend and click ''Campaigns'' in the left panel. Then click ''Create new campaign''.

You can choose here the type of your campaign, in this example, I choose Regular Campaign.

Next, choose your Mailing List and Segments.

Add your Campaign Settings, such as Campaign name, subject line, preview text, etc. and click ''Next''.

Choose ''HTML and plain text'' as the format for this campaign.

Click ''Import Campaign'' in the top right-hand corner.

Now, import the ZIP file of the template you downloaded from Chamaileon here.

And there you will see your template. Click ''Next'' at the bottom to send it out.

Sent a test email to recheck your template.

And lastly, schedule your delivery.

44. Omnisend

Go to your account settings in Omnisend.

Then click ''Saved templates''

Click ''Import template''

Then ''Paste in code''.

Paste the HTML code you exported from Chamaileon here.

45. Oracle Eloqua

To create new emails or templates using the HTML upload wizard:

  1. Go to Assets , then Emails and Click Upload an Email.

2. Choose what you want to upload.

3. Click  and browse to the HTML or ZIP file you want to upload.

4. The upload wizard continues to the next step.

5. Review the list of images and other files and choose to either use existing files or upload new ones.

6. Choose one of the options listed beside each image: 

Use Suggested Image: Choose this option if the image is already in the image library. If an image is available that matches the title of the image file in the HTML code, the application will automatically suggest that file as the correct mapping.

Upload New Image: Choose this option if the image is not in the library. Click Upload New and upload the image. Once uploaded, a thumbnail of the image is shown.

Do Nothing: Choose this option if you do not wish to change the image shown in the thumbnail.

46. Ontraport

Go to your Ontraport account and click ''Campaigns'' then ''New message''.

Next click ''Raw HTML Email''.

Paste the HTML code you exported from Chmaileon here.

47. Pardot

Go to ''Email Templates'' in your Pardot account.

Choose New Email Template. 

There you will find message content, where you need to click ‘’Source’’ to edit the HTML.

Paste the Generated HTML code that you exported from Chamaileon there and click Save.

48. Salesmanago

Enter Email Marketing in the dashboard, choose the option “Send an email”, and then click Email Template list.

Here choose the Import ZIP option.

When you are importing, make sure that you use the ZIP file which you will get from the ‘’Download as ZIP’’ option.

49. Sendy

You can import your email to Sendy in Chamaileon in these two ways:

  • Sync your email from Chamaileon to Sendy directly (recommended) 

  • Manually copy-paste the code

To sync your email from Chamaileon to Sendy, first, you need to integrate it.

Here is how you can do that:

  1. Navigate to your workspace menu and click ''integrations''. Select Custom Webhook.

 Set-up a public webhook URL on your side and copy-paste it to the following form. Ask the Chamaileon user-support for your “Integration secret code” and specify the necessary key-value pairs in the “Custom Fields” section below.

Manually copy-paste the code

When you are creating a new campaign, just click ‘’Save and switch to HTML editor’’ and paste the code there.

You can delete the code that is there and paste the Generated HTML code from Chamaileon. Don’t forget to insert the Sendy unsubscribe tags <unsubscribe>Unsubscribe here</unsubscribe> into your template from Chamaileon.

50. Selligent

Export template from Chamaileon then click Generate HTML and Copy to clipboard.

Then paste the HTML code into a text document and save it as an HTML document.

''Create new'' in Selligent editor.

Then click ''From HTML''

Add file.

Choose file (the HTML document that you saved in your PC).

Click ''No'' when this pop up shows up.

Then click ''OK''.

Wait for the processing.

And then you will see your imported template in Selligent!

51. Sendgrid

Under ‘’Marketing’’ in your dashboard, click campaign and ‘’Create your first campaign’’.

Click to continue with the blank template.

Then go to the code editor.

Delete the code that is there and paste the generated HTML code from Chamaileon.

Here is a video tutorial:

52. SendPulse

Click on ''Email templates'' in your SendPulse dashboard.

Then click ''Add a template''

Choose HTML editor.

Paste the HTML code you exported from Chamaileon here and then click ''Save template''.

53. Sendinblue

Click on ''Templates'' and then ''New Template''.

Set up the details of your campaign and then click ''Next Step''.

Choose to ''Paste the code''

Paste the exported HTML code from Chamaileon here.

54. Sharpspring

To import your Chamaileon template to Sharpspring, you need to:

 1. Click ''Content'' and then ''Email Templates'' in the top toolbar in SharpSpring,
2. On the right side of the screen, click ''cog.png  Options'' then ''New Template from .ZIP.''
3. In the modal window that appears, enter a name for the template.
4. Choose the .ZIP file from your computer and click ''Upload''.

Here is the tutorial:

Source: Sharpspring

If you receive the error titled Your file must contain a file named index.html, you must rename the .HTML file to index.html. Imported .ZIP files must be UTF-8 encoded. The .ZIP upload feature in SharpSpring looks for the word index. If the file is named improperly, then the import will fail.

To resolve this issue, unzip the .ZIP file that contains the HTML email and find the target .HTML file. Rename the target .HTML file to index.html. Zip up the file and upload it again.

55. Shopify

Go to your admin account settings and click ''Notifications''.

Paste the HTML code from Chamaileon here. 

Make sure you added all the tags you need in Chamaileon's template previously. For example customer name, product, product price, image, etc. These are the ''Liquid variables''.

Preview the template and send a test email to make sure everything is all right with the template.

56. Sparkpost

There are two ways how you can import your template from Chamaileon to Sparkpost.

  • Integrate and sync email template (recommended)

  • Manually copy-paste the code

First, you need to integrate Chamaileon with Sparkpost.

To do this, you need to go to your workspace settings in Chamaileon and under ''Integrations'' click ''Sparkpost''.

Name your Sparkpost integration. Next, you have to get the API key from your Sparkpost account.

Log in to your Sparkpost account. Navigate to ''Configuration, and then ''API keys''.

Click create an API key

Name your API key Chamaileon or similar and click ''Create API key''.

When you have done that, copy the created API key.

Then go back to Chamaileon and paste the API key in the integration tab and click ''Save''.

When you go back to your email dashboard in Chamaileon, find the email that you want to sync, and when hovering over the email that you want to sync, click ''Sync to''.

Choose your Sparkpost integration from the list, add a subject line, preview text, the ID of the template, name of the template, and from email. Then you can click ''Sync Now''.

When you go back to your Sparkpost dashboard, under ''Content'', and then ''Templates'', you will see the email that you synched.

And now you can send it to your subscribers!

Manually copy-paste the code

In Sparkpost under “Templates” > “New Template” choose “HTML” from the dropdown menu.

Locate the content.html file in the HTML export folder.

Right-click the file, and open it with a text editor. Copy the entire code and paste it into the SparkPost editor to upload your newsletter.

57. UserEngage

In the menu under ''Campaigns'' choose Email.

Click ''Create new''.

Choose the campaign type.

Go to ''Templates'' and ''Add new''.

Paste the HTML code you exported from Chamaileon here.

58. Vertical Response

In your Vertical Response dashboard, click ''Messages'' and then ''Create'' Email Campaign.

Click ''Custom Code''.

In the editor, click ''HTML Code''.

Paste the code you copied from Chamaileon here.

59. Wordpress

You can send emails from Wordpress if you use forms. Click on the ''Forms'' in your dashboard, then ''Emails''. As email type choose HTML and in the email message insert the code.

NOTE: Wordpress will add extra blank space above your email message so you have to delete it.

60. Woodpecker

In your Woodpecker account, under ''campaigns'' click ''add campaign''. 

Next, click the ''HTML'' symbol.

Paste the HTML code you previously imported from Chamaileon here.

61. Zoho CRM

In Zoho, click Setup icon and choose ''Templates''.

Click the ''New template'' button.

Leave the default setup and click the ''Next'' button.

Then click ''Insert HTML button''

Enter the template name, click ''Insert code'' icon

Paste the HTML code you exported from Chamaileon here.

When you are done, click ''Insert'' and then ''Save''.

62. RecDesk

Go to Members and then click Bulk Email Campaigns.

Click ''Create New Bulk Email Campaign''.

In the email editor, switch to HTML in the bottom left corner.

Paste the HTML code you copied from Chamaileon. here.

63. Email Octopus

Here is how you can import your email to Email Octopus step by step:

Click to ''create templates'' in the templates tab.

Then choose the classic editor.

Switch to code view.

Delete the code that was there and paste the HTML code you pasted from Chamaileon previously.

64. Clever Elements

To import your template from Chamaileon to Clever Elements, first, you have to click Create Campaign in your Clever Elements account.

Then choose, Create HTML campaign in the top right-hand corner.

Add Subject and Sender name.

When you have done that click Add HTML code.

Paste your HTML here which you previously copied from Chamaileon and click Preview to see your template

65. Vero

To import your template from Chamaileon to Vero, first, you have to click Templates in your Vero account.

Then click Create new template.

Choose HTML when choosing a starting point.

When you have done that, paste the HTML you previously copied from Chamaileon here.

Preview your template and send a test email to make sure everything is all right.

66. Vision6

To import your template from Chamaileon to Vision6, first, you have to click Create Email in your Vision6 account.

Next, when choosing templates, click More Options in the bottom left corner.

Choose Use HTML.

Paste the HTML you previously copied from Chamaileon here.

Save the template, preview it both on mobile and desktop and send a test email.

67. Reachmail

First, go to ''Mailings'' in your Reachmail dashboard.

Then, choose ''New''.

Here, you can choose ''With Advanced Editor''.

Now, click on the ''code'' icon and paste the HTML of the template you previously exported from Chamaileon here.

68. GoDaddy

From the Campaigns page, use the little drop-down arrow on the Compose button to select Custom HTML.

Note: If you haven't created any campaigns in your account, yet, you will not see the Compose button. On the Campaigns page, click the "Create a campaign" button, and then click Save.

Now click back to the Campaigns page to find the drop-down arrow next to the Compose button.

After selecting Custom HTML, GoDaddy Email Marketing will load up a special Custom HTML composer tool, and you can:

  1. Name your campaign whatever you like.

  2. Paste your HTML code right into the editing area, or click on “Import HTML From” to choose to import your code directly from a zip file or a URL.

  3. Include any specific code you need by placing your cursor where you want that code to appear, and clicking on the arrow next to the code on the right. In order to ensure we’re following all the rules and can easily give you the tracking results you need, GoDaddy Email Marketing requires you to add at least one Opt-out link and a Tracking Beacon. But feel free to add as many Forward, Subscribe, and “View on the Web” links as you want, too!

  4. Note: You must include the "View on the web" code if you want a thumbnail on the Campaigns page, or a preview image when sharing the campaign.

  5. Click on “I’m all done” to save your changes to the HTML and work on the text version of your email. (This is the version people will see if they can’t receive HTML emails).

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