If you can't find the desired font that your brand uses, you can add any additional font to Chamaileon. Let it be a Google Font or a custom font of yours.
It's important to note though, that web fonts won't appear in most email clients! No matter what we do currently only Apple Mail, Outlook for Mac, and iOS support web fonts properly.
Regardless, in order to add new fonts to your emails, you need to go to the Workspace menu and choose the Custom font settings.
Here's a quick video where I explain in two minutes how to add another Google Font to Chamaileon.
If you prefer reading, here's a detailed explanation in writing as well.
To display a new font in the Chamaileon editor and your emails (depending on email clients), you need to provide a font URL under the font URL settings. Every font URL should include the following font styles:
Regular 400
Regular 400 italic
Bold 700
Bold 700 italic
As an example, the URL for Poppins would look like this:
If you would like to use your custom font, you need to host it publicly on the internet, the Font CSS should be compiled by your developer team, and finally, you need to provide us with a similar URL.
Once you added the required Font URL, you need to define the Font stack to ensure that email clients (like Gmail) that don't support custom fonts will display your text in a similar web-safe font.
As an example, the Font stack for Poppins would look like this:
Poppins, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
Google fonts and/or custom fonts won't show up most email clients!
According to Litmus only Apple Mail, Outlook for Mac, and iOS support web fonts properly.
In other email clients always a fallback font will appear, that's why it's important to choose your fallback fonts wisely when you define your font stack.
How to choose the right fallback fonts to include in your font stack(s)?
Make sure that the fallback fonts have the same font type as the web font (serif or sans-serif)
Preferably use web-safe fonts as fallbacks:
Arial (sans-serif)
Helvetica (sans-serif)
Tahoma (sans-serif)
Trebuchet MS (sans-serif)
Verdana (sans-serif)
Garamond (serif)
Georgia (serif)
Times New Roman (serif)
Courier New (monospace)
Brush Script MT (cursive)
Choose fallback fonts that have similar x-height (letter height) to make sure that your email designs won't be messed up completely when only the fallback font shows up.
Always make sure to include serif or sans-serif at the end end of your font stack